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Sustainability Governance Structure

A robust governance structure helps to keep us on track in our sustainability journey and ensures that we meet our sustainability goals. This structure sets out clear lines of accountability, sees to it that sustainability is fully embedded throughout the organisation, and ensures all legal and regulatory obligations are met.

IHH Healthcare Balanced Scorecard

As a key strategic pillar that drives business strategy, sustainability is embedded within the Group’s Balanced Scorecard (BSC), clearly linking it to our managerial and executive remuneration.

The BSC includes a range of key performance indicators (KPIs) determining performance-linked compensation. These KPIs are aligned to our sustainability commitments across the four pillars of Patients, People, Public, and Planet, with over 80% of non-financial targets linked to sustainability.


Enterprise Risk Management Framework

The Group is supported by an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework that is deployed at all levels and operating divisions across the organisation. This framework provides a systematic approach to the identification, assessment and management of sustainability risks, and is integrated into IHH’s risk management processes.


Stakeholder Engagement

As a global healthcare organisation, IHH undertakes business decisions with the priorities of all stakeholders in mind. Our success rests upon the input of our doctors, nurses, employees, investors, shareholders, patients, accreditation bodies, regulators, local communities, intermediaries, suppliers and service providers. Read more about our stakeholder engagement.


Senior Management

Senior Management reports to the Board of Directors as depicted in the IHH governance structure. This stakeholder group is tasked with decision making in economic, environmental and social matters.


Delivering the most optimal clinical outcomes and exemplary healthcare experience are our topmost priorities. This is how we build trust and loyalty between IHH and one of our most valued stakeholder groups.

Doctors, Nurses and Employees

Our frontliners are critical to daily operations in both clinical and non-clinical environments. They must be provided a safe and conducive workplace that contributes to their total well-being and enables them to perform at their best.

Investors and Shareholders

Investors and shareholders play a vital role in IHH’s development by providing capital funding. The performance and reputation of the IHH Group directly translate into value creation for this important stakeholder group.

Accreditation Bodies

IHH’s healthcare services and education meet rigorous accreditation requirements and standards set out by bodies including the Malaysia Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) and Joint Commission International (JCI).


Regulators assess and ensure that IHH operations are compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

Local Communities

Our Corporate Responsibility (CR) initiatives, such as improving public health awareness, are targeted at local communities in markets where we operate.


Intermediaries are third parties who provide healthcare or related services across IHH hospitals and clinics. They include insurance companies, corporate customers and third-party administrators.

Suppliers and Service Providers

Suppliers and service providers support our operations with essential provisions. IHH maintains a transparent and sustainable supply chain by ensuring ethical and professional dealings with this stakeholder group.

Sustainability Policy Read more
Whistleblowing Policy Read more
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy Read more
Gifts, Hospitality, Donations & Sponsorship Policy Read more
Code of Conduct Read more
Boardroom Diversity Policy Read more
Workforce Diversity Policy Read more