Leaving no stones unturned to save the life of a critically ill patient, a multi-disciplinary team at Gleneagles Global Health City, Chennai successfully performed the country’s first liver and kidney combined transplant, in a 14-hour milestone surgery amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The patient, 35-year-old Mr Mittal, suffered from multiple complications including renal failure and chronic liver problems, and was in urgent need of a kidney and liver transplant. He was unconscious with low blood pressure by the time he was airlifted from Delhi to our hospital.
For two weeks, he was cared for at the liver intensive care unit, while his wife and sister underwent medical evaluations to assess their suitability as his liver and kidney donor respectively.
Dr Alok Khullar, CEO of GGHC, said, “The multi-disciplinary approach coupled with technical expertise enabled the success of the surgery despite various challenges during the pandemic. This successful outcome is bound to give hope to many patients with debilitating conditions and complications and help them live healthier lives.”