Amid the COVID-19 lockdown in India, the liver transplant team at Global Hospital Parel, Mumbai pulled out all the stops to save the lives of two village children, helping to raise funds for their medical treatment, even dedicating an entire Intensive Care Unit block for their surgeries to ensure their safety.
Led by Dr Ravi Mohanka and Dr Anurag Shrimal, Liver Transplant Surgeons, the operations on 18 and 20 May gave a fresh lease of life to 9-year-old Mayuri Dhembre and 7-year-old Aradhya Sarode. Both children suffered from a rare form of liver cancer and had to undergo liver transplant to receive part of their mother’s liver without delay. Despite disruptions caused by the pandemic, the hospital team rose to the challenge, doing everything they could to help save their lives.
To minimise exposure to infections, the hospital reserved an entire Intensive Care Unit block for the complex surgeries with dedicated staff to tend to the children. As a further precaution, the surgical team wore full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) throughout the long hours of surgery. Our staff even went the extra mile to help the families who could not afford the treatment to raise funds through crowdfunding campaigns.
As the children embark on their recovery journey, we wish them well and that they will one day realise their dreams and ambitions.